Benevolence Ministry Coordination in Your Community

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(To the needy or in crisis)

  1. What organizations serving the needy are in your community? How do they help? What are their specialties? Examples - food pantry, utility assistance, medical help, warm clothing in the winter, etc.

  2. What help does your church provide to non-church members?

  3. How do you fund this area of ministry? (Special offerings such as 5th Sunday, line-item budget or through high-capacity donors who are passionate about this area). Do you highlight benevolence ministry in offering moment “stories of life change”?

  4. How does your church leverage benevolence ministry to win the lost and make disciples? What is working and what hasn’t worked? In what ways to you plug them into groups, classes or with counselors?

  5. What one point of contact in your community can churches check if they suspect someone is “working the system” going from church to church? Do you check up on people asking for assistance, checking with law enforcement, checking their Facebook or other social media, etc?

  6. How do local community organizations desire to work directly with churches for the mutual benefit? What do they need? What serving opportunities are regularly needed by your local community organizations? (This is where you can send volunteers!). How are you leveraging volunteers serving with community benevolent organizations to point people back to your church?

  7. Does each “front desk” church leader have a resource sheet with this information? Have you provided your church receptionist with a guide to love on people who are not part of your congregation when they walk in the front door? How have you familiarized every greeter and receptionist with a quick reference guide for benevolence?

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