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Maximizing Stewardship Book Series Available Now!
Blue book cover that says How To start the Money Conversation by Brad Jack

Paperback and Kindle versions available for purchase.

Want to start a stewardship ministry in your church? This book series features our step-by-step process to get you started.
Book One, How to Start the Money Conversation in Your Church is the quick start guide with a story. Next in the series is How to Connect Stewardship Ministry with People of All Financial Demographics in Your Church, sharing special considerations of benevolence ministry on one end to inspiring the gift of giving on the other end. Up next in the series is How to Teach People of All Ages About Money in Your Church. You may have noticed that different generations have a different outlook on wealth and possessions. And the million dollar question, How to Establish a Sustainable Culture of Stewardship and Generosity In Your Church. Each booklet tells a story that can be lived out in a church of any size, packed with practical resources.

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